Nick created the Traveler’s League Series to be a safe and fun book series for middle grades. Under the pen name, Huck Warwick, Nick has created a young adult/adult fiction story with supernatural themes.

An uninspired college student in Manhattan is on the hunt for truth, so long as it’s convenient for him. But Henry Halfmoon gets caught up in a supernatural mess when the prophecy of the Demon Star is fulfilled, and Henry is chosen by the gods he doesn’t even believe in to carry out their divine wrath.

Henry is being followed by something unseen; a malevolent force that knows who he truly is. With the help of his favorite college professor, his best friend, and an angel of death, Henry peeks behind the vale and sees the world as it really is: a feeding ground for demonic entities, preparing the way for an ancient prophesied evil.

Tying together elements from Christianity, Greek Mythology, and the occult, Henry Halfmoon is a wild ride that will satisfy all readers.

Henry Halfmoon is an avant-garde paranormal urban fantasy. In the vein of Frank Peretti, but only for those who aren’t afraid to get their angelic feathers ruffled.

Read it for free on Kindle Unlimited or get the paperback here!